Last weekend was a really pleasant one. I had a lots of mixed feelings that I haven't experienced since probably 4-5 years ago. I remember one of them has this very idle feeling of boredom. I haven't been home alone for quite a while. When I tried to recall the last time I was, memories of my school days shot right at me. Those were the carefree days xD
Trailing back, I naturally began going through all me old cabinets, like how I always did when I was bored, way younger. Every old toy I see brought back a very special and unique flashback. I spent a good 4 hours just going through them, trying to fix a certain damages here and there.
From~The times where owning this giant pencil makes you super cool ;)
To the days I spend time with my all time favorite toy!

To the days I own this metal ring thingy that makes lotsa noise!

To the days I obtained epic old 'passed-down-to-me' mobiles!

To the days when these car models and action figures became popular!

To the days when KH projects were created with very entertaining purposes!
Form 1 - Told my teacher its a pencil case

Told my friends its a goal post to play uhm... "Finger Soccer"? LOL
Unused materials are well... carved into 'fine' weapons >=)

To the days of classic electronic entertainment! :D


Know any of these priceless junks I have? :)

There was a full cabinet of old books, comics, and CDs! Seeing VCDs like Pokemon and Tom&Jerry brought back a great deal of hapiness! And owh my gosh, some CDs are ancient! like the pc game "hermie hopperhead"? So awesome :)
So badddddass!

Watched anime all day long~

Doraemon? Archie? Randoms?

Not only did I find toys. I managed to recover a folder FULL of certificates, which some of them I found rather interesting, whereas some of them really surprise myself and at the same time, reminded me of what I was capable of. Some would say I was quite lifeless, but I think back in my school days, those WERE my life... I suppose?
Dudes, remember the gang of baldies? :)

All bunched together.
Feel so smart just by looking at this :D

Came across this very decent looking file.
Thought it contained another important cert of some sort.

Just to find my old sticker collections in it? @_@

Thought this was normal, as compared to others...
Heck, I was in a runner-up team in a parliamentary debate.
As I opened one particular dusty drawer, I found a stack of old paper notes, letters, photo albums, and also some drawings. They were so simple and straight forward! Such simple phrases that brought me so much laughter and joy =') I also uncovered this very special 'art' that was drawn by a dear friend. It was caught in the flood back at my old house, yet I remember saving it from the waist level muddy waters and drying it. First thing I did when there was sunlight. Didn't even think about saving my pokemon cards, which I later regretted terribly =\ (Damn I forgot to snap the 'art' I was talking about! Will DEFINITELY include it in the next post ;P )
So in this post, I shared lotsa lottttsaaa pictures. If you feel some familiarity, we probably lived a very similar childhood :D I definitely had fun writing this post. Every picture I snapped did not fail to put a smile on my face. :) Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did!
There are so many ways to define one's past. If I were to live my life all over again, I'll definitely choose the same process I went through growing up to who I am now!
